The answer should be Tidal Lock (A), because this is when the event of the orbital position of an object (Earth) is matching the same rotation period as the other object (Moon). When these rotations are the same, the moon will always be facing the same direction as the Earth. I believe you made a typo because Tidal Rock is not even considered to be a term in science. It is not a Solar Tide (that isn't even concerned with the moon facing the Earth), magnetosphere isn't even related to the moon but its magnetic field, and a tidal "bulge" is the complete opposite and has the moon facing the completely opposite direction. Found this helpful? Give it a Brainiest award.
Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through the Earth's layers, and are a result of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions
7669; since we are looking for the nearest 10’s we look at the last two digits, it’s 70, so all we need to do is go down 1 to have the “greatest whole number” ;)
1. Wetlands help prevent flooding by holding water like a sponge
2. Many species use wetlands for migration and reproduction
3. Wetlands help filter and purify water
4. Many species of animals and insects live in wetlands
5. Wetlands release vegetative matter into rivers and streams which helps feed fish.
6. Wetlands keep river levels normal
7. <span>wetlands are vital to the health of all other biomes and to wildlife and humans everywhere.
</span>8. <span>Wetlands provide habitat for endangered species.
9.</span><span> Our wetlands are beautiful areas of open space around the highly urbanized Bay Area that provide residents with many recreational opportunities.
</span>10. The Bay’s wetlands support our local economy by providing jobs in shipping, tourism, fishing, recreation, and education.
The digestion of dietary and blood protein.
Encephalopathy is a disease referring to brain damage or malfunction. This means that, a situation whereby the brain is not functioning very well.
This can be caused by drugs, toxins, trauma and infections among others.
In this case, the building up of ammonia in the blood will result to type of encephalopathy known as hepatic encephalopathy. This is when the consciousness level of the brain is being altered.
This happens when the the liver cannot remove toxic chemicals like ammonia from the body.