There are lifelong health implications, both physically and mentally, in teenagers with eating disorders. The act of binging causes digestive issues, namely massive stretching of the stomach. Purging leads to tooth decay, esophageal erosion, ulcers of the throat, stomach, and mouth. Both bulimia and anorexia result in malnutrition. Malnutrition leads to several different cardiac issues, primarily weakening of the heart muscles. It is not uncommon for people suffering from eating disorders to also suffer heart attacks earlier in their adult life than what is typically seen among adults. There are several muscular and skeletal problems noted in the same community. As the body breaks down its muscles and takes calcium from the bones, the individual is left with very little muscles, minimal strength, limited endurance, and often osteoporosis and brittle bones. Aside from the physical aspect, there is also a lifelong mental health battle. Proper treatment from a mental health professional highly skilled in such matters is extremely important.
The mandate system was a mechanism set up by the League of Nations after WW1, allowing the victorious powers to govern enemy colonies until the natives were fit to rule themselves. The colonies were called 'mandates', while the country ruling it was referred to as the 'mandatary'.
The coup d'etat in Russia was imposed through violence against civilians since it lacked legitimacy and support from the population. In that regime, all civil rights and freedoms were abolished. This Bolshevik party was commanded by Lenin, of communist ideology that would give way to the USSR years later.
The owe their origin to the period 1790-1850
hope this helps out!