September 1, 1939 – May 8, 1945
It says by reading the word of God one becomes stronger in spirit and grows...... The word of God is a double edged sword which can cut through anything.... It is so very important to read and meditate on it..... God reveals to us so many secrets of the heaven and of his heart..... We should be open to hear him..... Just like how we study from ABCD to sentences to answers to giving tests we need to read the word of God bit by bit...... We know giving tests will only make us stronger ... In the same way by reading the word and applying it in our life we get stronger spiritually.....!!!!!!
This is what you’re looking for I think. Hope this helped.
There were about 12 estonians citizens for every soviet soldier
The Soviet Union invaded Estonia with around 100,000 soldiers, and by the time, the population of Estonia was around 1,200,000.
the Soviet Union immediately launched fraudulent elections where all the candidates were communists, then, Estonia was declared a soviet republic and join the Soviet Union. Opposition, intellectuals, and other noteworthy people were either executed, sent to gulags, or allowed to stay under strict surveillance.
he Electoral College was created by the framers of the U.S. Constitution as an alternative to electing the president by popular vote or by Congress. Each state elects the number of representatives to the Electoral College that is equal to its number of Senators—two from each state—plus its number of delegates in the House of Representatives. The District of Columbia, which has no voting representation in Congress, has three Electoral College votes. There are currently 538 electors in the Electoral College; 270 votes are needed to win the presidential election.
Several weeks after the general election, electors from each state meet in their state capitals and cast their official vote for president and vice president. The votes are then sent to the president of the U.S. Senate who, on January 6 with the entire Congress present, tallies the votes and announces the winner.
The winner of the Electoral College vote is usually the candidate who has won the popular vote. However, it is possible to win the presidency without winning the popular vote. There have been a total of five candidates who have won the popular vote but lost in the Electoral College, with the most recent cases occurring in the 2016 and 2000 elections. Two other presidents—Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876 and Benjamin Harrison in 1888—became president without winning the popular vote. In the 1824 election between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, Jackson won the popular vote but neither won a majority of Electoral College votes. Adams secured the presidency only after the election was decided by vote of the House of Representatives, a procedure provided for in the Constitution when no candidate wins a majority of the Electoral College.
The Electoral College
The Electoral College is not a place, it’s the process that tak