go to where the bell is and where it says "ask question" and then do you see your little icon thingy? right there, click it. hit edit profile. and then
it shoulld say this
Edit your profile
Send info to email
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Profile picture
hit profile picture and boom it says upload and all that
460 rounded to the nearest hundred is 500. 460 rounded to the nearest 10 stays 460.
Step-by-step explanation:
Categorical data may or may not have some logical order
while the values of a quantitative variable can be ordered and
Categorical data examples are: race, sex, age group, and
educational level
Quantitative data examples are: heights of players on a
football team; number of cars in each row of a parking lot
a) Colors of phone cover - quantitative
b) Weight of different phones - quantitative
c) Types of dogs - categorical
d) Temperatures in the U.S. cities - quantitative
What you have to do is look at all the measurements (ft) and they are labeled. And some of the sides that aren't labeled have clues of what they could be. So when I added, I got 78 ft for my answer.