d. Charities
From the question, we are informed about the Supposed chicken farm which uses a nearby stream to dispose of the wastes released by its chickens. These wastes flow downstream into a lake that has become thick with algae and polluted due to the minerals in the waste matter. The local office of a nonprofit environmental organization successfully lobbies state regulators to stop the farm's pollution. In this case, the types of private solutions to the externality of pollution that has occurred is charity. Private solutions to externalities can varies from charities, business mergers as well as moral codes, all working at self interest of the relevant parties. according to Coase theorem, at low transaction cost two parties can reach efficient outcome after bargaining when externality are present. Charity can be regarded as generosity as well as helpfulness towards those that are less privilege or that are needy and cannot raise their voice.
An employee has an average wage of $60,000 and has worked for the firm for 28 years. The defined benefit pension plan pays retirees 2.3% of the average wage times the years of service. The employee can expect to receive __$1,380_____ per year upon retirement.
a) Data and Calculations:
Average wage = $60,000
Number of years worked in the firm = 28 years
Defined benefit pension plan rate = 2.3%
Annual defined benefit pension plan = $1,380 ($60,000 * 2.3%)
Total benefit to be received = $38,640 ($1,380*28) or ($60,000 *28 * 2.3%).
b) This employee is expected to receive the total benefit of $38,640 for serving the firm for 28 long years under the defined pension plan, given the plan rate of 2.3% of the average wage.
Rent or Buy Housing and the U.S. Tax Code
The tax deductibility of the interest ___paid___ on a mortgage and the___costs__ incurred on your home create a tax shelter for the___taxpayer___ , which ___reduces___your taxable__income__ and tax liability.
The standard deduction for mortgage interest under the 2014 U.S. tax code is:
c. $6,300 for single individuals and $12,600 for married couples filing jointly
Currently, the IRS allows taxpayers to deduct home mortgage interest on the first $750,000 ($375,000 if they are married but filing separately) of their indebtedness. However, higher limitations ($1 million) or ($500,000, if married but filing separately) apply if the taxpayers are deducting mortgage interests from their indebtedness incurred before December, 2017.
The increase will reflect in the GDP deflator and the Consumer price index.
The GDP Deflator is used to measure the level of prices of all new and domestically produced goods and services in an economy.
- So, when there is an increase in price, the nominal GDP (Increased), so the GDP deflator Increased as well.
Consumer Price index is used to measure the inflated price of goods and services which are faced by all consumer households.
- So, when there is an increase in price, there is change in CPI .
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The price behind the Yeezy allows for the item to be well known. Much like Jordan brand sneakers, its name represents a higher fiscal status.