The sodium-potassium pump is an active transporter because it needs to move sodium and potassium ions against the concentration gradient.
You have to think of it as outside vs inside the cell.
Outside the cell, you have 5mM K and 150mM Na. Inside the cell, you have 100mM K and 10mM sodium. Without the transporter then the ions would go from greater concentration to lower concentration. Energy keeps the ions going from the way they would naturally happen.
Solving problems with science means that to solve the problem the scientific method is used. This method includes observing, research, hypothesis , test and conclusion with a help of lot high level theory.
Without science there is not strict process to follow in order to resolve the problem end get to a solution.
4. Thyroid hormone levels decrease, TRH level increase, PRL level increase
Surgical removal of Thyroid gland will lead to hypothyroidism.
Normally, the surgery is followed by maintenance dose of thyroxine to avoid side effects.
In the presence of hypothyroidism, however, the decreased thyroid hormone will lead to increase in thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH). increased TRH increases production of prolactin. (but less than that in prolactinoma)
Answer: Plate divergence is best described as a taphrogenic process.