Las teorías extraterrestres o de panspermia sugieren que la vida existió en el espacio exterior y fue transportada por meteoritos, asteroides o cometas a una Tierra receptiva. En este caso, el origen de la vida no está relacionado con los posibles entornos de la Tierra primitiva.
Formation of continental crust
Activation energy may be defined as the minimum amount of the energy required to convert the substrate into the product. The higher the activation energy of a reaction, the slower the speed of a reaction.
The enzymes decreases the activation energy of the reaction and increases the effective collision between the substrate. The enzymes does not change the DG (delta G) or free energy of the reaction. The enzymes maintain the equilibrium of the reaction by increasing the equal amount of the forward and backward rate of the reaction.
too much phosphorus can slow down the growth of a plant.
Excessive soil phosphorus reduces the plant’s ability to take up required micronutrients, particularly iron and zinc.