Rise of the Nazi's
Nationalism influenced Adolf Hitler's rise to chancellor of Germany and he promised all of the German people economic reform and a chance to get back at the west. This was inspired by Mussolini's Fascist imitation of Rome. Japan also joined in, thinking themselves to be better racially superior to everyone, and they also wanted land and more natural resources. This sparked WW2, where all of the Axis powers committed atrocity after atrocity, and the wake of this brand of dangerous nationalism left millions dead.
Please note that no side was innocent in WW2, all sides committed atrocities.
I believe they had a rather uneasy relationship, seen as President Wilson frequently tried to capture Pancho Villa!
he Seneca Falls Convention was the first women's rights convention in the United States. Held in July 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, the meeting launched the women's suffrage movement, which more than seven decades later ensured women the right to vote.
<span>The Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation was intended to fight back against the Protestant Reformation: to reform and strengthen the Catholic Church against this great Protestant threat, partly by purging itself of the corruption and quesitonable practices that had given rise to the Proetstant Reformation in the first place. </span>
Dr. Jackson supports the biological model that shows how psychological disorders and hormonal imbalance can be inherited through genes. Genetics can open susceptibility through the chemical combinations in the body that can be studied and controlled with proper professional treatment.