957 - 249 = 708
The number that goes above the 5 is 4
Number above the 7 is 17
Step-by-step explanation:
Yes, because the ratios are equivalent between each pair of values.
4, 5, and 7 are mutually coprime, so you can use the Chinese remainder theorem right away.
We construct a number
such that taking it mod 4, 5, and 7 leaves the desired remainders:

- Taken mod 4, the last two terms vanish and we have

so we multiply the first term by 3.
- Taken mod 5, the first and last terms vanish and we have

so we multiply the second term by 2.
- Taken mod 7, the first two terms vanish and we have

so we multiply the last term by 7.

By the CRT, the system of congruences has a general solution

or all integers
, the least (and positive) of which is 27.
164+219=383 is exact for estimate round 164 to 165 or 160 and 219 to 220 so
165+220=385 or 160+220=380