What do we have to answer spectificly
Kale was discoverd just 2 years ago ........
1. This is because non-essential parts of the analog data is cut of so as to represent the analog data digitally.
2. This is because it mirrors closely to the original analog material.
3. i. Temperature ii. Speed ii. Distance iv. Electric current
1. How is a digital representation of analog data a form of abstraction?
Digital representation of analog data is a form of abstraction because, since abstraction, which is the removal of non-essential parts of a material so as to reduce complexity, also non-essential parts of the analog data is cut of so as to represent the analog data digitally.
2.Why is the quality of the photo, music, etc better when more samples are taken?
The quality of these items is better because, as more samples are taken, it reduces the error in the sampling and the item(photo, music etc) mirrors closely to the original analog material.
3. What other examples of analog data can you think of?
i. Temperature ii. Speed ii. Distance iv. Electric current
I’m not sure about USD but Canadian dollars are greater, one dollar CAD is equal to $0.79 US. So $10 CAD is equal to $7.90 US.