eagles (Accipitridae)
coyotes (Canis latrans)
gray wolves (Canis lupus)
bears (Ursidae)
mountain lions (Puma concolor)
humans (Homo sapiens)
Those are all the predators of a red fox.... you could have googled it
1) Laws must be made more stringent so that traffickers do not get away easily. (2) Increased participation from social groups should be solicited with more powers to them for handling cases. (3) Increased vigil by the law enforcement agencies.
4. Lusitania
The Sinking of the Passenger Liner Lusitania, which carried 128 American passengers, angered President Wilson, for Germany broke their promise of not sinking any ships with Americans in it. However, the Germans, in saying that the ship was carrying military equipment (which makes it a plausible target), was technically a war ship, and can be sinked, without breaking any maritime laws.
Mixed economic systems are not laissez-faire systems, because the government is involved in planning the use of some resources and can exert control over businesses in the private sector. Governments may seek to redistribute wealth by taxing the private sector, and using funds from taxes to promote social objectives