Witchcraft and magic are part of the anthropological understanding of society because they represent ideational systems in societies that do not follow the mainstream, established religions. Witchcraft or sorcery is applied to individuals with special talents and abilities to harness magical powers. Magic refers more generally to the existence of a metaphysical realm and being able to harness it.
Witchcraft and magic can be important elements of the belief systems in societies that are less complex than the urban and highly diversified societies that are dominant today. In the anthropological sense, magic generally refers to there being belief systems regarding the supernatural and metaphysical in the world and magic is employed in some means to harness or make use of that realm. Witchcraft refers to the group of specialists or conjurers in some societies who are masterful and have special skills and wisdom about the magical or supernatural realm. The term witchcraft tends to have negative associations in modern society but in anthropology, it is more of a technical, specific term to discuss the actors in belief systems that are not established religions.
His muckraking novels continued with King Coal (1917), which is about the poor working conditions in the mining industry. With The Brass Check (1919), Sinclair tackled the financial interests and supposed "free press" principles of major newspapers and the "yellow journalism" they often engaged in to attract readers.
Slow in terms of progress
Hi! The answer to your question would be slow in terms of progress. This means that, according to the punctuated-equilibrium model, Brent would a little behind.
To get the equation follow the steps below.
1. She's renting the car for 5 days and we understand that its $36 per day so you must multiply $36 × 5 = $180.
2. Next we know that its $0.50 per mile over 100 miles and needs to go 180 miles so multiply
$0.50 × 180 = 90
3. This is the final step add,
[$0.50×180=$90] Now add $180+$90=$270.
I hope this helps.