First question is - Why do we have limestone? Formed from this type of sediment are biological sedimentary rocks. Their biological organ is often revealed in the rock fossils. Some limestones can form by direct precipitation of calcium carbonate from marine or fresh water. (The second question is) - What do iron bands mean? The rocks are "banded" because the iron minerals deposited in alternating bands with silica and sometimes shale. The banding might have resulted from seasonal changes in organism activity steel mill. Most iron ore is used to make steel. Here a steel slab is being cut to length in a steel mill.
In eukaryotic cells DNA is in a nucleus where are in prokaryotic cells DNA is free
Tendon sheaths <u>act as friction-reducing structures.</u>
Tendon sheaths are fibrous tissue that is around tendons to protect and make the movements of these smoother. For example, they reduce the friction of the flexors and extensors tendons of the hand. These are tendons that we constantly use to open and close our hands when we want to grab objects. Without the sheath, the tendons will not move easily, and due to the excessive use, there can be inflammation.
The sheats have two layers, one internal, which is a synovial one that produces synovial fluid to lubricate the tendon, and the external, which is a fibrous layer.
Energy is moved through the ecosystem through your mom