Según el CERN, en los primeros instantes del Big Bang no había demasiado calor como para que se formen átomos, como el hidrógeno (el elemento más abundante del universo). En estos primeros instantes, mucho antes que se cumpla un segundo (10 a la menos 32), solo había quarks y fotones.
Cell counter inverted microscope and liquid nitrogen storage incubator are the technologies used in the cell culture.
Cell culture needs control environment for the production of cells in order to avoid contamination from other microbes. For this reason, liquid nitrogen storage incubator is used which decreases the temperature in order to slow down the process of cell division and other cellular processes and also provide safety from contamination. Cell counter inverted microscope is used to see the growth of the cells at the bottom of storage tank.
1st Q : Sugar 2nd Q : Insulin 3rd Q : idk Tbh
He used a simple microscope