<u>B. extended product line length</u>
- The product line is a pricing strategy refers to as the pricing line extension and its purpose is to attract new customers, who may or may not be familiar with the current standard product line.
- Thus It adds a higher quality to the current products, considered as trading and forward stretch. Various features include the price lining, bundle pricing, bait pricing, leader pricing.
- Supermarkets like Walmart and amazon can often apply stretch top product lines so s to often grade there products to ensure that all markets are covered as to gain the maximum interest from customers.
Question 2 options are;
- government
- market
- firm
- business sector
1. microeconomics concentrates on the behavior of individual consumers and firms, while macroeconomics focusses on the performance of the entire economy.
2. government.
1. Indeed, the government in a command economy (like China) makes most economic decisions itself or at least strongly influences how the decisions are made.
2. We note that the word 'macro' indicates large scope, while 'micro' indicates a smaller scope. And so, the difference is that microeconomics concentrates on the behavior of individual consumers and firms, while macroeconomics focusses on the performance of the entire economy.
developing countries have high population growth rate