Wovoka is known as the messiah who spread the the Ghost Dance movement throughout U.S and Canada. He was a Paiute religious prophet who prophesied the end of the white men leaving the native lands to the native people.
Wovoka preached about a new age where the natives would have their land to themselves for spiritual renewal and immortal life. The Ghost Dance initiated by him was a practice to preserve traditional Native American culture and as a form of resistance against U.S. policy and American culture.
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"The Fog Horn," the narrator and a man named McDunn work in a stone tower, far out from land, to alert ships passing through the fog of their proximity to land. The tower emitted red and white lights, as well as a "Voice," the deep cry that the Fog Horn sent out into the world. It was lonely work. On the night before it was the narrator's turn to return to land, McDunn tells him that he has something special to tell him about.
Answer: True
Explanation: The best test of managerial excellence and the best recipe for making a company a standout performer.
Montesquieu believed that the best form of government had three branches: legislative, judicial, and executive. The seperation of power meant , to Montesquieue, that the government shouldn't become corrupted Explanation: