Cost per hire
Cost per hire is the average amount spent in an hiring or recruitment process. It usually calculated by the ratio of the total cost of hiring (both internal and external cost) to the number of employee hired. Cost per hire is also aimed at determining the efficiency of a recruitment process
Two basic types of markets exist in any market economy: resource markets and product markets. The exchanges that take place in these markets benefit both the households and the firms that engage in exchanges. This lesson will introduce the circular flow of money, resources and goods and services in a market economy.
They thought the Spaniards were gods
I think some parts of Hammurabi's code were too severe. I believe this because sometimes it affected innocent people. Some occasions of this are when a man's son is killed because of the father building something faulty. Sometimes it is fair though such as when a man who is too lazy to fix his dam causes it to flood and he has to pay for the crops lost in the flood.