Lincoln told a New York newspaper that preserving the Union was his main goal of the Civil War — not abolishing slavery. "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all slaves I would do it," Lincoln said.
The major factor that contributed to President Truman's decision to issue the order was the outcome of the 1945 survey conducted on 250 white officers and sergeants who had black platoon assigned to them, it was discovered that there was no basis for racial segregation and discrimination in the U.S military because both the white and black soldier were performing excellently.
Executive Order 9981 of July 26, 1948, was the order that was issued by President Harry. S. Truman of the United States of America which abolished segregation in the U.S armed force. Prior to the issuance of this order, service in the U.S armed force was characterized by a high rate of discrimination and segregation on the basis of race, color, religion and national. The Blacks in the U.S military operated under a rule which was radically different from that which governed the Whites in the U.S armed force. For instance, while the Blacks had to wait for 4 years before the could commence combat training, the Whites commenced combat training within months of their qualification. Also, the blacks were not allowed to enjoy certain privileges that were open to the Whites in the U.S armed force. The advent of the order brought an end to racial segregation and discrimination in the U.S military. The order promoted equality in the force.
The collapse of the Berlin Wall was the culminating point of the revolutionary changes sweeping East Central Europe and the reform movement changed after the end of communism
Athenian Democracy
males over 20 voted directly who would be in government and did not use representatives
From southern Maine down to about the Carolinas, you would have seen pretty much the entire coastline lined with farms, cleared land, interior for many miles and densely populated villages generally rounded with wooden walls. And then in the Southeast, you would have seen these priestly chiefdoms, which were centered on these large mounds, thousands and thousands of them, which still exist. And then as you went further down, you would have come across what is often called the Aztec empire. (Sounds pretty cool!)