C3H2H4- Imidazole-Organic compound
AlBr3-Aluminium bromide- Inorganic
Cro3-chromic acid-Inorganic
H2O2-Hydrogen peroxide-Inorganic
C12H22O11-Sucrose- organic
Basically when a compound contains carbon atom in it its said to be organic.
Adenine and guanine
Thymine and cytosine
come on yu can do thi you just need to try a little harder and stop asking us to answer all your questions just try.
Snake goes to frog frog goes to bug bug goes to leaf and leaf goes to soil
Epinephrine is also known as adrenaline. It is produced by both the adrenal glands and the certain neurons. It is used to treat some conditions like cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis and more. Its actions vary by tissue type and tissue expression of then receptors. It is binding to a variety of adrenergic receptors.It also help to increase peripheral resistance.