Ethos provides proof of something using ethics or credibility. Ex: "This face wash is dermatologist recommended."
Pathos is trying to persuade you by sending you down an emotional or sad path. Ex- Animal abuse commercial trying to get you to donate.
Logos is using facts and usually statistics to prove a point. Ex- "About 480,000 deaths are caused every year in the U.S. due to the high amounts of cigarette smoking."
In this story, we look at it as a semi futuristic setting with happenings that occur only in one house. The use of the literary devices are mixed to make a social commentary that discusses the idea that technology can be both the savior and maybe a destruction of mankind, and that even if not straightly responsible for any event, all of society is to blame when things turn out badly.The usage of foreshadowing is depicted in the almost immediate fact that the women are worried about something. Starting with the fact that its relevance will make supper useless, therefore hinting that it is likely to end up with the deaths of the characters.
culture can mean many different things like how peoples dress, eat, religion, celebrates etc. Like we Americans we wear jeans and eat chicken , burgers and some of us believe in god while some believe in other things . culture is very very very important to different parts of the world
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