MPD also known as Multiple Personalities Disorder is a disorder where you have more than one personality. It causes forgetfulness and also can be cause by abuse or trauma.
It could be due to stress. Everyone deals with stress differently. Usually they are mad at themselves, like they have failed at supporting and that can lead to depression also.
The marketing mix is the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that a company uses to produce a desired response from its target market. It consists of everything that a company can do to influence demand for its product. It is also a tool to help marketing planning and execution.
Dialysis is used in healthcare when a patient's has end stage kidney failure. Doctors use this to remove waste from the body, control the patient's blood pressure, and it keeps certain chemicals in your body at a safe level.
the esophageal sphincter
This muscle opens and lets food and liquid enter the stomach and closes to prevent the food and liquid from leaking back into the esophagus, however if it is not working properly it could open and close at the wrong times