Redan små mängder alkohol gör att du får sämre omdöme, tankeförmåga, minne och reaktionsförmåga. Du sover sämre och känslorna påverkas. Vid mycket hög och långvarig konsumtion krymper hjärnan och du kan drabbas av epileptiska anfall, demens eller andra hjärnsjukdomar.
I never eat healthy snack
but i think granola is healthy
I dont know how many you need but here are a few: hair loss, fatigue, loss muscle mass, mood changes, low sex drive. Hope I helped :)
Well having a blanced diet between junk and healthy food would be the best way to keep healthy
A patient is admitted to the rehabilitation unit five days after having a stroke. the nurse assesses his muscle strength and determines that he has right-sided weakness. based on this assessment data, what part of the brain was injured?
There was damage to localized areas of the primary motor cortex in the left cerebral hemisphere.