Conclusions of archeologists were based on artifacts found over a large area. Exact dates cannot always be determined, and scientists don't always agree on the data provided by the evidence. New discoveries may contradict theories that have already been accepted.
Cactus Hill site has human remains that have been dated to about 20,000 years ago. Due to its location in Virginia proves that human beings had arrived in America earlier than this. That data contradicts the theory that claims that humans reached America from Siberia through the modern day Bring Strait.
The Cactus Hill Archaeological Site is located on a wind-deposited terrace of the Nottoway River in Sussex County.
The Security Council has primary responsibility, under the United Nations Charter, for the maintenance of international peace and security. It is for the Security Council to determine when and where a UN peace operation should be deployed.
The Russian Revolution took place in 1917 when the peasants and working class people of Russia revolted against the government of Tsar Nicholas II. They were led by Vladimir Lenin and a group of revolutionaries called the Bolsheviks. The new communist government created the country of the Soviet Union.
Mesopotamia<span> is a </span>historical region<span> in </span>West Asia<span> situated within the </span><span>Tigris–Euphrates river system