The bill of rights included specific rights for people.
The Japanese don't have a president. Perhaps you are referring to the Prime Minister, in which case the first Japanese Prime Minister (in the modern sense, so excluding emperors) was Itō Hirobumi.
“You are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by all, shown to be a letter of Christ... written not in ink but by the Spirit of the living God." (2 Corinthians 3:2-3) means:
The saints who are now transformed by the Spirit of God, the product and result of the gospel the apostles preached and have become dear and recommendable by the apostles are now the Bible(epistle) that people see and read.
This particular passage reveals:
1. The people that received transformation- the saints
2. The power behind their transformation - the Spirit of God
3. The preachers that brought the transformation - the apostles
4. The product (result) of their transformation - they became epistles read by all
Maror<span> — a bitter herb, symbolizing the bitterness and harshness of the slavery the Hebrews endured in Egypt. In Ashkenazi tradition, either </span>horseradish<span> or romaine</span>lettuce<span> may be eaten in the fulfillment of the mitzvah of eating bitter herbs during the Seder.</span>