Finnell cooperative learning would double the chances of a successful crop by collecting quite enough water as possible: use terraces and texture plants to mitigate runoff; holding, instead of extracting, soil nutrients on the ground after a crop; weed control, based on soil properties.
They agree that they need more men, they need spies, they need people to trade with, and they need better weapons.
Caesar had put in years of work too reach his high political standing, while Augustus “owes everything to [Julius Caesar's] name” (Cicero Philippics 13). Caesar's charisma and military prowess made it so the public below him adored him.
Which three factors were part of European Imperialism? The three are, 1). the need to expand even after the frontier had vanished, 2). the growing importance of foreign trade to the American economy and 3). the desire to compete with European empires for power.
Calhoun argued that the US Constitution was based on a pact by 13 sovereign states.