What are the differences between Gatsby's lifestyle and Daisy's lifestyle?
From the novel named "Great Gatsby" we can see that Daisy Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson are the two women talked about. In the novel Daisy was the wife and Myrtle was the Mistress to Tom, even though both are in in love with Tom but in different ways. Their marriage is like a prison to the end Daisy was able to meet back
Gattsby was from poor background from the family of James Gatz in North Dakota, he was very ambitious and always strive to be successful, he learnt some manners of the rich from a rich man named the yacht of Dan Cody.
Daisy is from a wealthy family and she was brought up with silver spoon
They have to fit in where you put them
Are you going to the show? i am going to be late. see you in 20 minutes.
I forgot about the show! I’ll be right there!
are you serious? where are you? it is starting.
i’m at the theater.
i don’t see you. are you in the right theater?
i think so... we’re seeing zootopia, right?
what? are you kidding? did you bring your little sister or something? why would we see that? we’re watching zoolander!
i knew that. i’m on my way right now.