Another name for Anatolian is Turkey.
The people has some rights in a democracy whereas with the ruling of a king the people have no rights.
Rome treated the people of the conquered land with same privileges
as their own people. The senators of the conquered land were given all the
facilities received by the Roman senators. The people slowly absorbed the Roman
culture and so the chance of further rebellion reduced greatly. The general
people were given the opportunity to watch and play lavish games and were also
given equal share of food as the other general Roman people. The Italians were
won over by the Romans in the same way.
Answer: A
Wheatley was captured by slave traders and brought to America in 1761. Upon arrival, she was sold to the Wheatley family in Boston, Massachusetts. Her first name Phillis was derived from the ship that brought her to America, “the Phillis.”
African Americans, carpetbaggers and scalawags comprised the Republican Party's largest Southern constituency during Reconstruction. The Scalawags were the white Southerners who backed the Reconstruction policies and were usually Union loyalists during the Civil War. Carpetbaggers were the Northerners who moved to the South during the Reconstruction era mostly for economic and political gains.