Skimming the text,
Summarizing the text
Establishing purpose
Prereading strategies link the mind so as to prepare the mind in reading text or passages and these increase comprehension by giving the reader hints on what the reader will read. These non fiction prereading strategies are skimming, establishing the purpose and summarizing the text.
Skimming is reading or looking through the text rapidly in order to have a general information about the text. Once you have skim through, going back and looking through the book will supply more information about it.
Establishing purpose, is pinpoint and having full knowledge about the main idea and purpose of the text.
Summarizing is summing up and giving a general summary of what the text entails.
<em>Meroitic script was creative and improved by reducing all the Egyptian hieroglyphic signs.</em>
The Nubian culture is responsible for writing one of the first written African languages termed as the Meroitic script.The Kush's Meroitic script was independent and had its recognition.
It was improved by reducing the Egyptian symbolic signs (also known as hieroglyphic signs) to 23 symbol alphabet.It also had vowel sounds which was not a part of Egyptian Meroitic script. The text was written in the opposite direction [from right to left] and impressions were written vertically.
A chemical fertilizer is defined as any inorganic material of wholly or partially synthetic origin that is added to soil to sustain plant growth. Organic fertilizers are substances that are derived from the remains or byproducts of natural organisms which contain the essential nutrients for plant growth.
by separating the power the text the Federalism is important
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