First class lever
fulcrum is in the middle of the effort and the load. This type of lever is found in the neck when raising your head to head a football. The neck muscles provide the effort, the neck is the fulcrum, and the weight of the head is the load.
Quality in healthcare means providing the care to the patient needs at the time the patient needs it, in an effective manner. Talking about healthcare context we can say that means kind of collaborative effort where not only the patient but doctors, patient's family, etc.
Medicare, for example, provides "home health care." People can choose wether their need are covered or not, the ones that fit with they primary options, and also, people can choose if they have old people to assist, adult day care services which providemany options regarding health, social, and related during the day.
Fresh Fruit, they put tons of sugar in juice, fresh fruit is naturally sweetened