In a short term: the Mongols would have have the control over the lands.
In a long tern: either the European powers would not have conquered the other continents during the colonial time, or if the Mongols had done the same, possibly in the Americas and Africa Mongolian would be spoken today.
A. The city has put a light-rail proposal on a ballot for citizens to vote on.
Africans were the immigrants to the British New World that had no choice in their destinations or destinies. The first African Americans that arrived in Jamestown in 1619 on a Dutch trading ship were not slaves, nor were they free. They served time as indentured servants until their obligations were complete. Although these lucky individuals lived out the remainder of their lives as free men, the passing decades would make this a rarity. Despite the complete lack of a slave tradition in mother England, slavery gradually replaced indentured servitude as the chief means for plantation labor in the Old South.
Virginia would become the first British colony to legally establish slavery in 1661. Maryland and the Carolinas were soon to follow. The only Southern colony to resist the onset of slavery was Georgia, created as an Enlightened experiment. Seventeen years after its formation, Georgia too succumbed to the pressures of its own citizens and repealed the ban on African slavery. Laws soon passed in these areas that condemned all children of African slaves to lifetimes in chains.
<span>The correct answer is Corn. That was because it has almost infinite uses for anything. From cooking, making bread, making bourbon, feeding cattle, even sometimes used in medicine. It was the most important staple before the migration, but Tobacco was also important, especially in places like Virginia, a place so famous for tobacco that a type of tobacco is called after it.</span>