La marcha de Selma a Montgomery fue parte de una serie de protestas por los derechos civiles que ocurrieron en 1965 en Alabama, un estado del sur con políticas racistas profundamente arraigadas.
Several factors came together. Europe had a population that was on average richer than most other cultures. A very competitive commercial class, ships that were superior than other cultures, developed for the rough North Atlantic, and a number of competitive states rather than a single empire.
A .org website is the URL used for organizations. It is a top level domain, and frequently used by giant bodies even. It is a truncated from the full word, organization.
Even charity websites use .org frequently well. The .org domain was initially intended for non profit organizations, until few months ago during which the restrictions were lifted. It is frequently used by communities, schools, and of course, charity organizations or NGOs.
Men who were of Athenian birth and free-born. if you weren't born there you had no right as a citizen