Answer: TRUE
Sound waves enter the OUTER EAR and travel through a narrow way up to the eardrum, where it vibrates.
The vibrations are sent to the bones of the MIDDLE EAR where they are amplified, and passed to a structure called COCHLEA in the INNER EAR.
Finally, it reaches the sensory cells that passes it to the auditory nerve that transmit the sound to the brain as electrical signals (neural messages) for proper interpretation.
So, it is True because from OUTER EAR to MIDDLE EAR, to INNER EAR.
it could not be used because it can attracts the magnets in which compass it self is a form of magnet which can utilize the magnetic properties of the earth to give a reading and Compass housings are often made of either brass, aluminium or plastic.
The characteristic of iron that would make it a bad material for the housing around a compass is that it could not be used because it can attracts the magnets in which compass it self is a form of magnet which can utilize the magnetic properties of the earth to give a reading reason been that Compass housings are often made of either brass, aluminium or plastic
Secondly it would confuse the magnet thereby making it un-useful or useless because the iron can easily become magnetized itself and Iron is a magnetic metal which can cause the needle of a compass to give a false reading thereby messing up the magnet's direction and making it useless.
Testosterone is a steroid. Its physiological functions are:
Determines the the gender of a developing embryo
Development of reproductive organs and the prostrate gland in males
Responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in males such as deeper pitch, increased muscle bulk, hair on the upper lip
Regulates normal sperm development
Another is cholesterol. Physiological functions are:
Helps maintain the structure of cells and vessels improving overall health and function in the body.
Percursor to important sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.
Used as an insulator around nerves and is absolutely essential for brain function.
Precursor to Vitamin D, which supports a healthy immune and nervous system
1. Nutrientes:
- alimento
- oxígeno (O2)
2. Productos de la nutrición animal:
- residuos orgánicos
- dióxido de carbono (CO2)
Los alimentos son sustancias químicas que los animales ingieren a fin de que el organismo transforme dichos compuestos en nutrientes los cuales son requieridos para la generación, el crecimiento y la reconstrucción de células y tejidos.
El oxígeno (O2) es un nutriente escencial para la vida el cual se absorbe mediante el proceso de respiración. Este proceso posibilita la absorción de otros nutrientes obtenidos a través de la alimentación.
Los residuos orgánicos representan productos de la nutrición animal los cuales se descomponen naturalmente para formar parte de la materia orgánica. En animales, los desechos órganicos son eliminados a través de los excrementos o en la orina.
El dióxido de Carbono (CO2) es un producto de la respiración. En animales, la respiración celular consume oxígeno y compuestos orgánicos con el objetivo de producir energía en forma de ATP. Como concecuencia del proceso de respiración, los animales liberan CO2 al medio ambiente.