The testes create sperm that develops in the epididymis, a coiled tube. After $exual contact, they pass via the oviducts and combine with fluids generated by the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. The sperm then proceed down the urethra to the tip of the shaft, where they are discharged into the genital canal of the female. YW:)
Keep a balanced diet eat alot of fruit especially bananas
Yes, your heart does not need to pump as hard so your blood pressure is lower.
1-2 hours of exercise is good, but if you have trouble breathing i suggest you start excercising like for 1 hour a day, then slowly increase your workout so your body won‘t tire itself out.
Eating a good healthy diet is always best, especially if you are looking to feeling better healthwise, or looking to lose weight. An unhealthy meal a day wont hurt, but maybe try to keep a clean diet so that not all you are eating is junk food.
How much a human has to sleep is approximately 8 hours a night. If you are young i say you should sleep at least 10 hours a night for your body to Keep growing.
Hope this helps. :)