The classification is in this order: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus Species.
The kingdom is the largest group, it contains the largest number of organisms who are the least related.
The species is the smallest group, it contains the least number of organisms who are closely related.
As you go down, from "Kingdom", species become more closely related.
So species in the same family are MORE closely related than species in the same class.
Cell membranes are selectively permeable. Some solutes cross the membrane freely, some cross with assistance, and others do not cross at all. A few lipophilic substances move freely across the cell membrane by passive diffusion. ... Large molecules do not cross intact cell membranes, except in certain special cases.
Amoeba acquires it food by endocytosis, that is, a small region in the plasma membrane which ultimately forms a intra-cellular membrane-bound vescicle. It engulfs it food using its pseudopodia (temporary protrusion of the surface of the amoeboid cell used for feeding and movement) and forms a vacuole around it. When the food is already trapped inside, it releases a digestive enzyme to digest it. Intake of liquid particles is pinocytosis (cell drinking) while intake of solid particles is phagocytosis (cell eating).
1) types of music - independent
performance in doing homework - dependent
person - control
2) period of time - control
number of flowers - dependent
types of rose bushes - independent