freedom and autonomy
While the landowners still benefited most during this period, the ultimate impact of sharecropping and tenant farming on freedmen in the South after the Civil War is that it gave them some level of freedom and autonomy compared o the time of slavery.
During this time, the freedmen can decide who to work for and how long they are ready to work for any landowner.
Stacey here learns through movement and experiments this intelligence is a perfect form of Bodily Kinesthetic. They enjoy sports and activities that require physical exertion and mastery. Some Kinesthetic people enjoy the artistic side of movement such as dance or any kind of creative movement. These artistic types enjoy acting and performing in front of an audience. They also enjoy building things and figuring out how things work. They like to use their hands and are very active. They have excellent motor skills and coordination.
I'm no good at geometry. Whenever I answer questions wrong in class, the teacher looks at me like I'm stupid and other students laugh at me
As developed by Charles Horton Cooley in 1902, the looking-glass self is a social psychological concept suggests that a person's self "judgement" is developed out of society's interpersonal interactions and the perceptions of others. In other words stating that we develop our self based on the judgements of others. This is reflected in the statement above
where the student believes he is "no good at geometry" because others laugh and believe he is "no good at geometry"
c. when two people pull on it in opposite directions, it stretches. then turns back to it original size and shape when let go