Bacteria under successive rounds of selection may acquire genetic resistance to the treatment with mutagenic compounds including ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS).
Artificial selection is a process known to generate resistance of the organisms under treatment. For example, this type of selection has been reported to generate resistance to the treatment with different chemical compounds including mutagenic chemical compounds (in this case EMS), antibiotic drugs, etc.
B. Funnies cell wall are mostly made of chitin not cellulose.
To find the similarities and differences in organisms by using possible chromosome and physical characteristics.
attatch the images of the Petri dishes so we can further help in understanding this question
the hip bone
The bone marrow is divided into two; yellow and red bone marrow. The yellow bone marrow stores fats and contains mesenchymal stem cells which can develop into muscle cells or cartilage. The yellow marrow is located at the central cavities of long bones while the red bone marrow is located at the hip, sternum and humerus.
For a red bone marrow biopsy and aspiration to be done on a patient, the samples should be best obtained from the hip bone because it is a flat bone with soft tissues and no major organs and blood vessels are located.