Predator and prey populations affect each other because if a predator of one prey kills that one animal than that animal dies and the prey decrease by one and when one predator dies from being killed or just naturally dying, then the predators decrease by one.
Answer: d. None of the above is false.
Explanation: The reasons are:
Intermolecular forces should be reduced when molecules need to be vaporized, otherwise they will not be converted into vapours.
When the temperature increases, forces of attraction decreases which allows molecules to evaporate because energy will be increased which allows molecule to break bonding between them. Hence increasing temperature has effect on vaporization.
Dispersion forces is the weakest force between molecules and hydrogen bond is strong so molecule having only dispersion force will evaporate at the higher rate.
Let's go back to "Darwin's" evolution theory. mice can be smarter than the average hawk, they are fast, have underground protection from cold,heat, rain,ECT..and they scavenge during p.m. hours, not all hawks are nocturnal, that's why owls are nocturnal. This cycle ensures enough food source for all predators. A hawk can consume at least 6 mice per day/night. rodents are natural prey for all preditors., even coyote. hope this helps, plus mice reproduce quickly compared to preditors.
hope this helps..
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