Sum everything up that you have written e.g.
This data shows that children of the 80’s grew up to be the most fun.
The dominant curled wing allele is also a recessive lethal.
If we look at the F2 ratio we see that :
curled wings: straight wings= 160:80
Hence, if curled wings is considered to be a dominant trait then Curled wings * straight wings
Dd x dd
Punnet square will be as follows :
d d
D | Dd | Dd
d | Dd | dd
Hence in order to get F2
Dd x dd
Punnet square will be the same as above if the F1 cross is Dd* Dd
D d
d Dd dd
if DD is lethal then the ratio is
that is curled wings: straight wings=2:1
Hence, The dominant curled wing allele is also a recessive lethal.
Is there a blank at the end of this statement?
If there is then the blank would be filled in with SPECIES
Enzyme deactivation which is called denaturization is when an enzyme's physical structure is changed due to either high pH, or temperature. If enzymes convert the sugar to starch and make the corn less sweet, then boiling the enzymes will cause them to deactivate, which doesn't allow them to convert the sugar into starch. Therefore, the corn will remain sweeter.
Consider that when the enzyme is heated that its physical structure changes, meaning that it may not be able to fit the sugar molecule in its activation site. Meaning that the sugar can no longer bind to the enzyme to create starch, which again leaves it sweeter.
*activation site - site where the substrate (sugar) bonds to the enzyme in order for a chemical change to occur to the substrate.