In House of Yes, a play by Wendy MacLeod, the character Marty brings his fiancée, Lesly, to meet his family. She comes from a di
fferent class, which leads to exchanges like this one between Lesly, Marty, and Marty's two siblings, Anthony and Jackie:Anthony: Would you like a glass of Liebfraumilch?Lesly: No thank you. I'll just have a glass of wine.Marty: That's the name of the wine.Lesly: Oh! [laughs] I don't speak French.Jackie: Who does?Anthony: You do.Jackie: Oh, that's right, I do.According to Pierre Bourdieu, Marty's siblings are unhappy with Lesly because she doesn't have enough:______________.
Marty's siblings judge Lesly because, according to the term used by Bourdieu, she has no cultural capital, therefore she does not have the same education or knowledge as they do because of class differences. Because of this contrast, they considered themselves superior to her, and not pleased with the future marriage
Answer: : The Beginnings of the Haida"? The Maori myth features courage, but the Haida myth does not. is made up of fierce warriors. Once away from the Sky Chief, Raven released the Sun from its confinement.