If Congress decides to pass a law that increases minimum wage, this is an example of using an "implied" power, since it is not explicitly stated.
People make choices about how to use insufficient resources.
Insufficient means that there aren't enough.
We need to make proper choices about using resources properly.
There aren't that many left....
He wanted to buy his children
The slave that worked as a carpenter was trying to persuade his mistress to sell him his children so he can have them.
13 foods born in America
Cheeseburgers. There are multiple claims to the origin of the cheeseburger—but one thing's for sure: The greasy, sizzling, cheesy-beef patty originated in none other than the U.S.
Buffalo wings. ...
Reubens. ...
Pecan pie. ...
Chocolate chip cookies. ...
S'mores. ...
Lobster roll. ...
Corn dogs.