The western blotting is a technique invented in 1979 which is nowadays used to analyse the protein sequences.
The western blotting technique involves the transfer of the sample from the gel to the blotting sheet or nylon membrane and immunoglobulins or antibody against the antigen.
The antigen-antibody interactions allow the identification of a specific protein from the protein sample.
Western blotting can be defined as an analytical technique used as an analytical which is used to to find the specific proteins in a protein sample.
This technique is also known as immunoblot. In this technique the protein is denatured and then it is followed by gel electrophoresis.
Animal derived antibody is added to the solution and then it is washed off then a secondary antibody is added to the solution. The primary antibody binds to the secondary one.
Then the secondary antibody is visualized such as immunofluroscence.