Pioneer species are found in area's undergoing secondary succession. For example ecosystems being established by: reducing a fire, deforestation; which quickly colonize open spaces supported by vegetation.
These here are
Black (AA or Aa) and albino (aa)
Agouti (Bb or BB)
Thus, a cross between
AaBb and aaBb
The percent of the progeny which are likely to be agouti would be
A. a. B. b
a. Aa. aa. B. BB. Bb
a. Aa. aa. b. Bb. bb
The probability of agouti would be
1/2 (Aa) * 3/4 (BB or Bb)
= 3/8
= 37.5%
Is a fallacy that consists of a false appeal to the authority of "everyone"; based on the assumption that a course of action should be taken or an idea should be supported because "everyone" is doing it or believes it.