A CONSUMER gains its energy by eating something else.
A. A year of drought followed by four years of average or above-average rain
In the first year the Finches population goes down drastically meaning that a disaster must have occurred that would negatively affect the population, a drought. The next four years the Finch population increases steadily so the average rainfall must have been average or above average according to the graph.
Tides are caused by gravity
Jaws and a swimming bladder
A defining characteristic between sharks and rays that distinguish them from ray-finned fish is the *possession of jaws in sharks* and rays;and the *possession of swimming bladder in ray-finned fishes*.
Characteristics of sharks and rays are as follows :
They are cartiiliginous fishes; they possess *strong jaws* lined with teeth; body dorsoventrally flattened, fusiform (spindle shaped) with heterocercal tail(diphycercal in Chimaeras); paired fins; *no swimming bladder or lungs*; pelvic fins in males often modified to form clappers; Gill arches internal to gills; reduced notchord; lateral-line system; paired nostrils; internal nares absent; separate sexes; internal fertilization and direct development; oviparous, oviparous, or ovoviviparous. Examples include, Spiny dog fish or dog shark, Ray Raja, Chimaera.
Characteristics of ray-finned fishses:
They generally lack paired fins; no internal nares; *air sacks usually function as swimming bladder*; skeleton usually well ossified. Blind olfactory sacs (do not open into the mouth); Tail homocercal. Examples include Tilapia, Claris,and Polypterus.
they do sense their environment in other ways and respond accordingly. they can detect various wavelengths and use colors to tell them what the environment is like