The Colville Indian Reservation is occupied by over 5,000 residents, both Colville tribal members and their families and other non-Colville members, living either in small communities or in rural settings.
Primarily, they came from Parisian, Norman, and west-central commoner families. By 1672, the population of New France had risen to 6,700 people, a marked increase from the population of 3,200 people in 1663.
Some people consider the way the media covers candidates for public office bad for democracy due to the way they present the facts and evidence. e.g. Whenever Donald Trump was running for presidency they constantly reported on his sexual abuse accusations instead of his good deeds and samaritan actions. He helped in the recovery from the flood in Louisiana and sent food and shelter for the suffering families, but you never heard that on the news... They broadcast the information in a way that will attract the most viewers, not in a way that delivers the most factual and true information.
I know that democratic is where the people are involved in choosing who the president is like voting
C. Because Literal means the exact thing, meaning that they are trying to describe it as best as the can to the literal way