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- Savage Savvy
Hisashige Tanaka's robots could be able to serve tea, A.
Mexico occupied the southwest lands, and Britain shared the northwest Oregon Territory with the United States. Many Americans believed that the United States was destined to stretch across the continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
The women rightly took over the homes and became heads of the family
The reconstruction period which was between 1865 to 1877 was when the law of the nation and the constitution were all altered to accommodate the fundamental rights of those who were former slaves and the government with people of both races came into power through the defeated confederacy.
Since men were assigned to different war fronts, the women rightly took over the homes and became heads of the family, caring for the members of their households and their farms through the entire nation. These women also got better education and illiteracy levels reduced radically amongst them and they became better positioned to get paid jobs. They worked in retail establishments and manufacturing plants.
<em>Class </em>mobility.
<u>Class mobility </u>is a type of social mobility when representatives of a lower-class move to the higher class. It can occur as a result of changes in both classes.
In the given example it occurs both because of the fact that families in the higher class have fewer children and because some offsprings from a lower-class families are hardworking. The tendency that higher-class couples tend to have fewer children leads to the more available spaces in the entry-level labor force, which in turn creates more real opportunities for children from lower-class families. This in is itself becomes an extra motivator to work harder.