I think this process would be Decision-Making, because the scenario is that you have to decide on what topic you are going to pick, based on research and what you think would be the best resolution. I don't think that Conflict resolution would be correct because there is no conflict and neither Negotiation nor Verbal Communication have anything to do with this, so i believe it's safe to assume the correct answer would be Decision Making.
1. uses binary code to store data!
Fair-use exceptions to traditional copyright protection face challenges as well, given a MOOC's potential for global reach. Nonetheless, fair use and MOOCs are not mutually exclusive ideas. MOOCs remain an experiment...
The answer is "option d".
When an employee is fired so, their account should be closed, and the employee records should be maintained over a certain time specified by the rules and procedures of the company. and other options can be defined as:
- In option a, It is not important to delete the user account because later on, the company would need info about that account.
- In option b, There's no need to talk to the superior of the employer.
- In option c, change the user password is not enough to update the user's password; the account should also be deleted.
Person p1, p2, p3;
int m1, m2, m3;
p1 = new Person();
// assignment 1
m1 = p1.getMoney();
p2 = new Student();
// assignment 2
m2 = p2.getMoney();
p3 = new Employee();
// assignment 3
m3 = p3.getMoney();
The reference to getMoney in assignment 3 is to the <em>Person</em> class.
Since Employee class didn't override Person class's getMoney() method, calling p3 with getMoney() will call Base class's (Person) getMoney() method.