1. Russia secretly had maps so detailed of the Canadian Arctic during the Cold-War that other ships even now use them over official maps.
2. In the 1930’s starlet Hedy Lamarr invented a new technology to stop Nazi’s from jamming Navy torpedoes, but the idea was rejected until 1962 and implemented during the Cold War. Her frequency hopping technology is also the basis for modern Bluetooth.
3. During the Cold War, the USSR was able to tell a Soviet passport was a forged and fake because the staples in real passports would corrode due to the poor quality of metal.
Like virtually all rulers throughout history, African rulers invoked both religious claims and their role as lawgivers or law enforcers to bolster their political legitimacy. For example, the ambassadors’ description of King Zara Yacob indicates that he sought to project and advertise his power in these terms as well.
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(noun). The action or process of settling or establishing among indigenous of an area or basically dominating it.
- The earliest explorations and attempts at colonization of Florida by Europeans were made by the Spanish.