5 bits
A bit is the least or the smallest unit of data in a computer. They are the units of information in information theory, consisting of the amount of information required to specify one of two alternatives 0 and 1. This is because A bit has a single binary value, either 0 or 1
If you use roman alphabet A to Z lets use log 2(26)=4.7 bits. when you round off it will be 5 bits.
208.91. 197.27 and 50.225.
In the world of computers, the term "IP" stands for Internet Protocol. The IP address or the Internet Protocol address is defined as a numerical label that is provided to every device which is connected to any computer network for communication. It works as providing the location address of the device and also identifies the network interface.
The primary IP addresses for the DNS servers that is hosted on :
-- x128bit is 208.91. 197.27
-- iskytap is 208.91. 197.27
-- cloudparadox is 50.225.