Its mean to not talk about how much weapons you have but just know when the time comes you have the biggest weapons
the land promised to them millenia earlier when God told Abraham at Shechem that the land would belong to his descendants, they they begin the long, painful, and disappointing process of setting the land.
unit bias
Bias: The term bias is defined as the propensity of an individual to get involved in taking action or to make decisions irrationally.
Unit bias: In psychology, the term unit bias is referred to as the propensity of an individual to desire to fulfill or complete a particular task or an item. An individual tends to complete the portion of work he or she is supposed to irrespective of size and create a perception to complete that satisfies him or her.
perceived job content
According to the "General Model of Job Design" job performance is influenced by <u>perceived job content</u>. Perceived job content has to do with how significant an employee views a job and the related skill they need for the job. An employee will do a job properly if he feels that the job is important for his/her career advancement and if it is important to achieving the organizations long-term or short-term goal, his performance of that job/task is based on how significant he views the task. Another consideration is the skill set, an employee will perform a job better if he/she has the necessary skill required for that job.
Klatzke (2008) in her research found that leave-takers craft different messages for different audiences upon their exit to facilitate certain impressions. This is because often times, leave-takers sees their exit from the company as an event that will not affect their future endeavors, such as leave-taker telling the colleagues at work that the reason for leaving is because of theie ineffective manager, while the may tell the manager, that the reason for leaving the company is for higher pay or new challenges.