The narrator meets the Medical Man at the Linnaean Society in the city. The Medical Man thinks the Time Machine thing was a trick, but he can't figure out how the Time Traveller did it. The narrator goes back the following week for the Time Traveller's weekly dinner party.
totter~move in a feeble or unsteady way.
trickle~(of a liquid) flow in a small stream.
It taught the natives where trees and land came from. It teaches the sacrifices we make for the ones we love. The story is saying that dreams can help anyone in the case the tribe, with a problem they might face. What was the role of the turtle? The role of the turtle is earth. An earth was made on the turtles back as a place where Aataentsic landed from her fall.
Please post the statements.
Maggie herself is a symbolism of low self-worth and resignation. She tries to protect the quilts that belong to her but is unable to. It is Mama that finally has to step in to prevent Dee from taking them.